It’s incredible to see a Premier so invested in the health and safety of this province’s firefighters. Premier Ford continues to show his support for firefighter health and wellness with a generous investment to The Runnymede First Responders Post Traumatic Stress Injury Rehabilitation Centre.
Runnymede’s one-of-a-kind center will provide essential support to firefighters and other first responders facing mental health challenges. Given their frequent exposure to traumatic events while serving their communities, firefighters are at a significantly higher risk of developing PTSD and experiencing suicide compared to the general public. This makes Runnymede’s services both vital and urgently needed.
This significant investment makes it possible for construction to begin this year. Once completed, Runnymede will offer urgently needed access to a comprehensive range of services including prevention, intensive treatment, aftercare, and return-to-work support for firefighters and other first responders.
“We owe a huge debt to our first responders, who make incredible sacrifices every day to keep families and communities across Ontario safe,” said Premier Doug Ford. “By investing in mental health and rehabilitation treatment for first responders provided by the dedicated team at Runnymede Healthcare Centre, we’re helping give back to our brave women and men so they can access the critical supports they need.”
Thank you once again, Premier Ford, for your continued support of Ontario’s firefighters.